Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Who Made Your Bag?

Does it ever feel like we've lost touch with our roots? I, for one, don't usually have much of an idea where my food comes from (although I did have a small but successful veggie/herb garden this summer, thank you very much!), don't make my own clothes, and don't know as much as I wish I did about the people who work hard to provide the necessities I use in everyday life.
Well, this project is the answer to the ache I'm feeling to be closer to my "roots."
This project, MEND, is a clothing line sponsored by Invisible Children. The group was created to raise awareness about the invisible war in northern Uganda by sharing the personal stories of those involved.
"MEND is designed to seam a personal connection between products, their creators, and you. MEND is proof that what we wear can- and will- make a difference."
Watch this video: I promise you won't regret it!

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