Sunday, July 5, 2009

Top 10 Ways to Fight

I'm reposting this list of "10 Things You Can Do to Fight Human Trafficking" from a Dec. 30, 2008 post at, written by Amanda Kloer.
Check out Amanda's blog post here for further elaboration on how you can get involved in ending human trafficking.

1. Throw a Viewing Party.
2. Host a fundraiser for a local anti-trafficking nonprofit.
3. Oppose the commercial sex industry, including prostitution, escort services, strip clubs, pornography and the "pimp n ho" culture.
4. Support new or better state and local anti-trafficking laws.
5. Buy fair trade.
6. Support education and business opportunities for women and girls.
7. Think globally, act locally.
8. Express the importance of freedom through art, music or performance.
9. Remember the past and learn from it.
10. Report suspected situations of human trafficking.

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