Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chocoholics Unite!

Yum. There are few things in this world that make me grin wider than good chocolate. I'll take it any way I can get it: chocolate ice cream cones on sweltering summer days (like today), mocha coffee, chocolate chip cookies... are you hungry yet? I'm pretty sure that any analysis would quickly certify me as a chocoholic.
So it was with great excitement that I discovered this campaign by Green America. The group is urging Hershey to join the ranks of fair trade chocolate companies.
It's about time America's chocolate company stands up for fairness. Britain's best-selling chocolate brand, Cadbury, has already taken the plunge. The company announced this spring that it plans to get its cocoa for the best-selling Dairy Milk bar from fair trade farmers in Ghana. (Check out this article to get the full story.)

Here's what Green America says in its argument for why Hershey should join the ranks of fair trade providers:
Fair Trade certification ensures that farmers are both able to meet the basic needs of their families and to continue to grow cocoa in the future by offering a fair price for cocoa. Fair Trade provides a path for farmers to increase their livelihoods and improve labor and environmental conditions in cocoa production. Fair Trade also has additional benefits like encouraging the development of democratic cooperatives where farmers have a greater voice in the market.
On the other hand, Hershey has not agreed to any third-party certification programs for their cocoa supply. Additionally, Hershey owns the license to produce Cadbury products in the US. Hershey is well placed to be a leader in Fair Trade cocoa sourcing for US consumers, but they need to know that we want our chocolate to be Fair Trade Certified™!

Green America is urging fair traders to call Hershey (1-800-468-1714, Dial "0") and voice their desire to see Hershey make the chocolate business a more fair industry. Again, check out Green America's webpage for tips on what to say and more info on how to voice your concerns.


Endangered Species Chocolate said...

Wow it's great to see that large companies like Hershey start to move toward fair trade. And we here at Endangered Species Chocolate agree that everyone should play their part and call Hershey and urge them to adopt fair trade policies. At ESC we have actually gone one step further and practice what we call ethical trade. This is not only paying a fair market price for our cocoa, but also actively working to improve the living conditions for our farmers. We do this by installing water pump and water filtration systems in the communities in which we operate, as well as donating school and medical supplies. For more information regarding our eco-friendly policies or our delicious chocolates visit our website at or email us at Keep fighting the good fight and don't forget to savor chocolate, and save our plant!!!

Beth said...

Sounds like your company is doing awesome things. So glad we can all work together on this!