Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spreading the word

Nathan and Jency, hurry home: we have a job for you.
Customers, browsing about our store, often comment on our unusual and distinctive products. A placemat made of recycled newspaper in the Philippines, a cute tote purse from the hands of former prostitutes in India, a skirt made by a women's cooperative in Ghana. There's a wealth of options, to say the least.
Today, though, a customer's interest went beyond mere curiosity. Stephen Doss, a youth minister at New Covenant Fellowship Church here in Chattanooga, marched into our store armed with his camera, eager to learn--and share--our work with his kids at church.
He'd been here befoe, and was fascinated by what he saw and read. Today, he asked questions about us, our stuff, and the people who make it. He took tons of pictures to show to his youth group. He wanted to know how we help people, who we help, how they help themselves. He wanted to know how he could help, how his kids could catch the vision for fair trade.
That's what we do, I told him. We want to spread the word, to let people know what it means to "shop fair trade" and how on earth that makes a difference. We love to talk about the vision behind our little shop and it brings us great joy to see others becoming as excited about fair trade as we are.
So, Nathan and Jency, when ya'll get back from your world travels and have (somewhat) recovered from your jet lag hangovers, your plates will be full. Because not only would Stephen Doss love to get you together to share with his kids--a local synagogue e-mailed us last week looking for speakers, too.
All this commotion puts a big smile on my face.

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