She's got a blog. Go to it, and read it, and try not to get too jealous that YOU'RE not volunteering in rural Nepal until July 2009.
Here's a picture. Guess which person is named "Elizabeth."
And here she is with her host family:
We almost feel like we know a celebrity. Or, it's kind of like the feeling you get when you're into this really obscure band, and all of a sudden the band breaks into huge popularity, and then you can say, "I listened to them BEFORE they were cool," as if it somehow makes you cooler by association. We can say, "That's right, E-Wray worked part time with us over the summer as she was raising support to go to Nepal. In your face."
Not that E-Wray is the kind of person who would wish to be made much of. But we want to direct you, loyal blog readers, to her, so that she can direct you to the issues she's confronting in rural Nepal, which are a much bigger deal than any individual person, she or I or you or anyone.
As we wrote in our last email newsletter, E-Wray will be teaching English, health, life skills, hygiene, environmental sustainability, and more.
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